When it comes to purchasing a new set of fine jewelry, most may choose their next watch based on the price tag. Don’t let the price affect what truly catches your eye and go with what you desire the most using our buy now, pay later option for our customers.
From pearls and bracelets to rings and necklaces, our jewelry collection is unmatched and will have you leaving with a glistening piece. Make the best purchase you can just in time for the holidays and save your money by opting in our monthly payment plan.
There are several benefits to our financing service for our clients including the following:
- Receive the jewelry upon initial purchase
- Set-up a timeline to pay periodically
- Become apart of our reward club
Make this holiday season one of a kind by selecting one of our finest pieces just in time for the holiday season. Our clients are highly satisfied with this offer-making it that much easier to get a gift for their special someone in their life without the worry of breaking the bank.
To learn more about our financing plan or any questions regarding our jewelry collection, contact Doerner Jewelers today.